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Rylee Stoneman, Resident in Counseling

Education Experience: I received my B.S. Psychology from Old Dominion University in 2021.  In 2024, I received my M.S. E.d. in Counseling from Old Dominion University during which I gained one year of experience counseling clients.  I have acquired training in EMDR (a type of trauma therapy).

Specialties: I specialize in child play therapy, art therapy, and EMDR.  I have experience counseling clients with trauma, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder, anxiety, conduct issues, adjustment disorder, and depression.  I see clients aged 4 and up.

Inspiration: I was inspired to work in this field after receiving counseling in high school during a difficult time.  I became extremely interest in mental health and helping others follow my personal experience with counseling.

What do you do in your free time?  I spend my free time working out and taking Pilates classes.  I enjoy going to the beach and traveling and love spending time with friends and family.

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